Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Month of Firsts!

I took a moment to sit and realize we have alot of firsts going on this month. Tayler had his first day of 8th grade! He was really looking forward to school, he missed his friends and something to occupy his time. I had my first chat with his principal since kindergarten. NO it wasn't about him! HA It was about his bus route that has been quite the headache thus far! Luckily they were very cooperative and I think we've got it all figured out.
Sam is going to have his first day of Kindergarten on Monday! I have no doubt he's going to love school and have a really great time. I however am not so sure i'm going to enjoy it! I'm definately going to miss him, but at the same time i'll get a few hours with just Jack and I. He will only go for a half day which is kind of weird but may be a better adjustment for ME! yea that's right Me not him.....LOL! He also hopped on the "big kid" bike and started pedaling away! It's been hanging from the ceiling in the garage since we moved here and Jamie finally took it down for him. It was Tayler's bike when he was a little guy too!
Jack took his first step a few days ago! Yes that's right 10 months old and trying to walk. This is all happening just way to quickly for my taste! It's been really hard watching this little guy grow up so fast. He's also learned a new trick... How to blow spit bubbles! It was quite funny, the whole front of his shirt and his chin was wet from him drooling all over the place. He now says Mamma (usually only when he cries). Dadada (alot), BuBye and waves and he shakes his finger and i'm pretty sure he's trying to tell us we're naughty, he's Almost got the nono sound down! His favorite pass time is trying to play with the trashcan and his daddy taught him the drawer under the stove pulls out and well he's figured out how to do that too! He's a smart one that's for sure!
So all in all the kids are good. Jamie is waiting to hear where we're going to go from here! And I am gearing up for a new Mops year and can't wait!!!