Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So I went to my Bible Study this morning and had a great time... as usual nothing less should be expected. I came home got Sam some lunch and a little Motrin, he had low grade fever again, fed Jack and put him down and sat down to read my email. I was overwhelmed and horribly saddened to find out a good friend of mine 32 weeks pregnant lost her twins today. She went to the doctor for a regular routine check up and the babies had no heartbeats. I had to take a deep breathe and read it again, I couldn't believe it. My first thought was how horrible for them, and what would I do in that situation? They were going from a family of 8 to a family of 10,and they were thrilled about it to say the least. I can't help but ask Why? as I'm sure they are too. Why babies? Babies they never got to meet? They never got to hold, they never got to smell that newborn baby smell. Why? I am thankful that they do have faith and they know Jesus. But I also can't help but be a little ... well pissed off at God for taking her babies. I know that he has a plan and a purpose for them and they are with him, but gosh how terrible to have to live with that for the rest of their lives. No one no matter who you are should have to bury their baby, let alone two of them at the same time. Tell someone you love them today that you haven't told in a while, hug your kids a little tighter and tell them something special about themselves and what they mean to you.....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In The Beginning!

OK I've given in and am joining the Blogging world. As if Myspace and Facebook wasn't quite enough, I felt the need to Blog as well. I can't promise an everyday blog and frankly this is all a bit confusing at the moment but I'll try at least every few days or so to come up with something interesting to blog about, or what I think is interesting anyway!